Fashion Reveals

The majority of us love fashion, in one way or another. We love the playful new trends that we can experiment with every season, the works of art that designers want to encourage us to wear on a regular Thursday, and the excitement of seeing our own personalities in a given dress or specific  citrusy hue. While some would like to write off fashion as being something materialistic and vapid,
think it’s something that we create an intense, emotional bond with. 

Fashion reveals a part of our personalities before we even say our first "hello," and it develops and changes as we grow — allowing us to wear our histories on our backs. It's pieces of who we are and who we wish we were, as well as people we admire and want to emulate.

Like wearing a bold red lipstick because that’s what our mother wore at our age. Or high waist trousers because that’s what that one fabulous girl wore at the other side of the crosswalk.

It lets you put your hands around art and beauty on a day to day basis, and allows you to be playful even when your day is over-filled with routine and schedules. It’s an important part of our lives and — for me — it has been the focus of all my love for as long as I can remember. And I’m not even being dramatic with that sentence

Fashion isn’t just material. Fashion helps whip up a fantasy world for yourself — one where citrus colors rule, skirts become messy with flowers, material sweeps down the length of your back and flirts with your ankles, and lets you put your hands around the dream. And then dares you, encourages you, to make it into your life. You find something beautiful because you see yourself in that beauty.

Now put it on your back, and live it.
